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L'autoritratto (The Self Portrait) 1:32' 2020

‘L'autroritratto/The Self Portrait’ was made in 2020, and accepted by La Galleria Nazionale and their 'Taci. Anzi Parla' open call that focused on Carla Lonzi’s book ‘Autoritratto’. The film explores questions of what the ‘self’ can be in a virtual age, and through the use of self-reflection and voice over, tries to access the more vulnerable perspectives of being human in contrast with our increasingly augmented and technological world. 

'L'autoritratto/The Self Portrait' was awarded by a jury from the 'Taci. Anzi, Parla' open call and was exhibited within La Galleria Nazionale's 'Io Dico Io - I say I' exhibition, wihtin the Carla Lonzi archive from March to May 2021. It was additionally screened as a part of the BOMB Factory's 'Artist Film Festival', June 2021.

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